$150.00 USD

New York Adjusting

Our NEW YORK ADJUSTER EXAM PREP GENERAL ADJUSTER: SERIES 17-70 course will offer in-depth training, expert guidance, and all the resources needed to prepare you to pass the challenging state adjuster exam. With a focus on New York's specific requirements and regulations, our course equips you with the knowledge and skills essential for success in the field. Join us to navigate the complexities of insurance claims adjusting and unlock your potential in one of the industry's most rewarding careers.

To register for the New York State adjuster exam, click here- PSI Online - One stop Solution for Test Takers (psiexams.com)

What's included in our Exam Prep:

  • Video Modules: Each module is delivered in video format for engaging and interactive learning.
  • Written Chapters: Comprehensive chapters in text format for in-depth study and reference.
  • Quizzes: After each chapter, take a quiz to test your understanding and reinforce learning.
  • Practice Exam: Complete a practice exam at the end of the course to assess your readiness for the actual exam.
  • Monthly Study Hall: Gain access to our exclusive monthly study sessions, designed to assist you in preparing for the exam effectively.